Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
The bankruptcy laws require you to complete two counseling sessions prior to receiving a bankruptcy discharge. You may complete the sessions over the internet or by phone.
It is generally cheaper to do this over the internet. However, many of our clients find the phone to be more personable or convenient. Call us if you would rather speak with us on the phone.
The Credit Counseling must be done before we can file your case. After your case is filed, you will receive a bankruptcy case number. This case number will be needed to complete the Debtor Education Counseling. This second course must be completed for the court to grant a discharge of your debts.
Each time a course is completed, a certificate verifying completion should be sent to our office. The counselor will generally forward these materials to us. Thereafter, we will file it with the court. In some cases, the provider may also file it with the court.
123 Credit Counselers
Credit Counseling:
$30 (Single - Internet)
$40 (Joint - Internet)
$50 Phone
Debtor Education: N/A
DebtorEdu., Inc.
Credit Counseling: $19.95 (Internet)
Debtor Education: $14.95 (Internet)
A24/7 Bankruptcy Class
(*attorney code 6189931300)
Credit Counseling: N/A
Debtor Education ONLY $17.50 (Single) | $35 (Joint)
Access Counseling, Inc.
Credit Counseling: $25 (Internet or phone)
Debtor Education: $15 (Internet or phone)
Dollar Learning
Credit Counseling: $20 - Single (Internet or phone)
$30 - Joint (Internet or phone)
Debtor Education: $20 (Internet or phone)
Allen Credit Counseling (Available 24/7)
(*attorney code BC19899)
Credit Counseling: $20 (Internet) | $25 (phone)
Debtor Education: $20 (Internet) | $25 (Phone)
Alliance Credit Counseling Inc.
Both Courses $19 (Internet) | $49 (Phone)
$10 Debtor Education
Credit Counseling: N/A
Debtor Education: $9.99 (Internet)
CC Advising Credit Counseling
Credit Counseling: $9.76 (Internet) | $25 (Phone)
Debtor Education: N/A
Cricket Debt Counseling
Credit Counseling: $24 (Internet or phone)
Debtor Education: N/A
DebtorCC, Inc.
Credit Counseling: $19.95 (Internet)
Debtor Education: $14.95 (Internet)
Hananwill Financial Education Services
877-544-5560 (Credit Counseling)
866-544-5557 (Debtor Education)
Credit Counseling: $25 (Internet or phone)
Debtor Education: $25 (Internet) |
$35 (Phone)
Pioneer Credit Counseling
Both Courses: $20 (Internet or phone)
Solid Start Financial Services
Credit Counseling: N/A
Debtor Education: $20 (Internet or phone)
The Kingdom Ministries
Both Courses: $30 (Phone)
* These rates are available if designated attorney code is entered
Mt. Vernon: