Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
Some clients come to speak with a Anna Illinois Bankruptcy Lawyer about liens. A lien is a legal claim filed against a piece of property to secure a loan. With a car loan, for instance, the lender will assert a lien against the vehicle. The same is true of a mortgage, where the lender will place a lien on real estate. These liens generally survive a Chapter 7 case unless the property is sold or returned to the lender. Other types of liens, such as those placed on pre-owned household furnishings, can be removed or stripped off in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy,
Stripping Real Estate Liens through Chapter 13 with a Anna Illinois Bankruptcy Lawyer
Some liens on real estate, such as a second or third mortgage, can be stripped off or stripped down through a Chapter 13. If the lien is on a primary residence, a lien can be stripped off only if it can be proven the value of the home is fully encumbered by a first or primary mortgage. Lien stripping rules are more liberal for the debtor if there is collateral other than just a primary residence pledged.
If a lien can be stripped off or stripped down, the balance of the loan will be treated as unsecured. It can then be reduced and/or discharged in the bankruptcy. Lien removal can be a tremendous benefit for a homeowner in that it can completely eliminate mortgage payments – something that might prove to be the difference in saving a home.
Properly addressing liens and understanding how to treat secured property is a critical aspect of bankruptcy practice. In speaking with a Anna Illinois Bankruptcy Lawyer, we can help you determine if a lien removal might be feasible through a Chapter 13. We can also explain alternatives available through a Chapter 7. By fully understanding your options, you’ll be sure to make the right decision for you and your family.
At The Bankruptcy Clinic, we work to ensure you can keep your most valued possessions while taking control of the debt. To learn more about how a
Anna Illinois Bankruptcy Lawyer can help with your secured debt problems, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today for a free consultation.
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