Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
The Affordable Care Act is now in its second year and more people have insurance coverage than before this law was passed. Unfortunately, it did not completely end problems associated with medical coverage. People still have to dip into their pocket to pay for deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses to pay for medical care. Those bills can be substantial. For someone barely holding on, this new expense could push them over the edge. Fortunately, bankruptcy exists to help a person get their debts in order. If you have suffered a serious injury and now have medical debt, a bankruptcy lawyer may be able to help.
Medical debt is considered unsecured, non-priority debt which means it can be discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This is good news for someone who meets the qualifications for Chapter 7. A bankruptcy lawyer can discuss your situation with you to determine if this form of bankruptcy is best for you.
If you do have these bills, it is best to first speak to the hospital or insurance provider to see if you can work out a payment plan. They may be willing to set up a plan to allow you to pay off this debt over time. If you are working and can afford these payments, this might be the best option for you. But if your medical problems are preventing you from working or are just too much to handle, you have options.
At The Bankruptcy Clinic, we know how difficult it can be to suffer a serious medical problem. If you live in Anna, IL. Centralia, IL. Or Harrisburg, IL we can help! When a person is sick or injured, they often can’t work. When you combine this with a large bill from medical providers, this is a recipe for disaster. We can explain your options and find the right solution for you debt problems. For a free consultation to discuss your situation, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today.
Mt. Vernon: