Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
When it comes to bankruptcy in Centralia and other towns in Southern Illinois, not all debt is considered equal. Some creditors will be paid back first while others will get what’s left over, if anything.
Understanding the type of debt and creditors you have is important to understanding your bankruptcy.
An experienced bankruptcy lawyer can examine your situation and explain how best to proceed.
These are the debts in bankruptcy:
Priority debts in the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy include costs and fees associated with the Chapter 13 filing, some tax debts and domestic support obligations. These debts are the first to be paid from a repayment plan.
Secured Debts are debts due and owing on a mortgage or car loan and are otherwise known as “collateralized debt.” It is very common for a Petitioner to utilize the automatic stay imputed in a bankruptcy filing to stop the foreclosure or tax sale of a home or a repossession of an automobile. The Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan shall provide for payment of any delinquency and/or principal balance on the secured asset (home or automobile).
Unsecured Debts are the last to be paid in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Reorganization. The payment of unsecured debts is based on the Petitioner’s affordability. Unsecured debts, include credit cards, personal loans, deficiencies, most judgments, medical bills and many other debts. One of the greatest benefits of Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the ability for a Petitioner to minimize, based on affordability, monthly payments to unsecured creditors.
At The Bankruptcy Clinic, we can help you get out from under crushing debt obligations. Whether it’s Chapter 13 or Chapter 7, we will work to find the best solution for your debt problems. For a free consultation in Carbondale, Mt. Vernon, or Marion, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today.
Mt. Vernon: