Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
Most people in Centralia Illinois don’t closely monitor their credit. They assume everything reported to the reporting agencies is accurate. Only after attempting to make a major purchase on a car or a home does one learn there is a problem. By annually checking your credit report, you can be sure it is accurate and does not contain major errors or problems. This way, when you do make that big purchase, you won’t suffer an unexpected surprise.
Every American has the right to check their credit report from the three major rating agencies once every 365 days. It is highly encouraged people take advantage of this. Identity theft is a growing problem. In addition, many creditors report false or incorrect information on your credit report purely by accident. This can unnecessarily drag down your credit score. Since it can often take months to clear up issues like this, it is best to get these corrections identified and remedied as quickly as possible.
Some might hesitate to check their report out of fear that checking it might bring their credit score down. While it is true that inquiries do play a role in determining your credit score, the reporting agencies generally only count “hard” inquiries. These are inquiries by third parties for new lines of credit on a car, credit card, mortgage, etc. When you check your own credit report, this is a “soft” inquiry and generally has no impact on your credit score.
If you want to obtain a free copy of your credit report with no strings attached, the only reporting agency we would recommend is Annual Credit ( Many other providers purport to be “free”, but require you to pay for ongoing credit monitoring services.
If you find, however, your debt problem is worse than you can manage, it may be time speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. When we file your case, we run your credit report for you. We provide you a complimentary copy of your report, your current credit score, AND your estimated credit score one year following your bankruptcy filing. It has been our experience that the vast majority of our clients do have improved credit scores one year following their bankruptcy filing.
At The Bankruptcy Clinic, we can examine your debt situation and work to find the best solution for you and your family. If you have an unmanageable debt problem, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today for a free consultation. We proudly serve the Centralia Illinois area
Mt. Vernon: