Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
One of the most frustrating debts a person can have is tax debt. The IRS is often the most merciless collection agency a debtor can face. The IRS can shut down your business, seize assets, garnish wages, and even withhold Social Security benefits, all in an effort to collect money owed to Uncle Sam. In the majority of bankruptcy cases, this debt is not dischargeable. In some cases, however, it may be possible to wipe that tax bill clean. A bankruptcy lawyer can discuss your situation to determine if bankruptcy may be an option for you. The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
These are very specific parameters. As such, most people will not qualify for a discharge of tax debt in bankruptcy. But it is still possible, and many times, the timing of a bankruptcy filing can be crucial. A skilled bankruptcy lawyer can answer any questions you may have about tax bills or other debt.
Sometimes a Chapter 13 might be a favorable alternative for tax debts. A Chapter 13 will prevent the government from seizing assets, levying bank accounts, and garnishing wages while allowing you to structure a repayment plan free of future penalties and interest.
In a Chapter 7 case, even collection efforts by the IRS are stopped during the pendency of the case. Even if your tax debts are not dischargeable upon completion of the Chapter 7, most other unsecured debts are. Once these debts are wiped clean, it might make it much easier to pay back the tax debts owed to the government.
At The Bankruptcy Clinic, we understand how difficult overwhelming debt can be. If you are experiencing debt problems, we can discuss your options. If you live near Marion, Mt. Vernon, or Carbondale, we have locations to serve you. For a free consultation to discuss your debt options, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic right away.
Mt. Vernon: