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People who have a large loan for a secured piece of property (car, home, etc.) may want to reduce the amount of principal they owe on the property. For instance, an investment home may have significantly decreased in value or a vehicle may have depreciated. Lowering the principal on the loan is known as a “cram down.” A Mt. Vernon Chapter 13 Lawyer can examine the value of your property relative to the balance remaining on a particular loan and see if a cram down is applicable.
Many people use cram downs in Chapter 13 to save their vehicles. Because a car is a depreciating asset, the loan become more and more onerous as each day passes. If a person has a balance on a car loan of $15,000 but the vehicle is now only worth $9,000, a Mt. Vernon Chapter 13 Lawyer may be able to lower that balance to $9,000 and have the remaining money discharged as unsecured debt at the completion of your bankruptcy.
It is important to note, however, that there is a rule called the 910 Day Rule. Under this rule, the loan for the purchase of a vehicle must have been incurred more than 910 days prior to the bankruptcy filing. This is equivalent to approximately 2.5 years. This rule is intended to prevent abuse of cram downs from people who have only recently purchased a car and are now trying to get their loan reduced.
Cram downs may also be applicable to secured debts incurred for the purchase of personal property items so long as the debt was incurred more than one year prior to the bankruptcy filing. A cram down cannot be used for a person’s primary residence but may be applied to commercial real estate.
If you have assets you wish to keep but also carry a large debt load, a Mt. Vernon Chapter 13 Lawyer at The Bankruptcy Clinic can help. If cram downs are possible, our attorneys will work to reduce your principal or change your interest rate, allowing you to keep your property at a discount. If you would like to learn more about Chapter 13 bankruptcy, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today for a free consultation.
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