Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
Mission Debt Settlement, a debt settlement company, was indicted for mail fraud and wire fraud for allegedly scamming its clients. This company claimed it could reduce debt by approximately 45% for its clients. In reality, they achieved no debt reduction whatsoever. They also allegedly stole money from client accounts that was supposed to be paid to creditors. In reality, no money was actually paid to creditors. The government alleged the company “systematically exploited and defrauded” more than a thousand disadvantaged families. In the end, the owner of the company was sentenced to prison for nine years while other employees awaited sentencing. As a bankruptcy attorney, these allegations are extremely upsetting.
This company preyed upon some of the most vulnerable people in society. These were people deep in debt who were hoping to avoid bankruptcy. They turned to this company to help settle their accounts and hopefully get their debts reduced. In the end, they wound up much worse off than they were before.
While this is an extreme case, many debt settlement companies overpromise and under deliver. To be clear, the vast majority of these companies are not engaged in fraud as Mission Settlement Company was. But they often charge high fees and achieve little in the way of debt reduction. Before working with a debt settlement company, speak to a bankruptcy lawyer about your situation.
Attorneys, unlike debt settlement companies, abide by a strict ethical code. The goal of an attorney is not to give you a hard sell or false promises. We are ethically obligated to give you the best information possible to help you make the best decision for you and your family. If bankruptcy is not your best option or there are other ways to get out of debt, we will tell you your options.
If you are deep in debt, the attorneys at The Bankruptcy Clinic are here to help. We have helped many clients throughout Southern Illinois get their debt under control once and for all. For a free consultation in Mt. Vernon, Marion, or Carbondale, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today.
Mt. Vernon: