Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
People on a fixed income are especially susceptible to debt problems. All it takes is an unexpected car repair or a medical problem to cause a person to fall behind. This can often cause a snow ball effect with other bills. Some might fear losing their disability benefits through the filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Fortunately, these payments are exempt in a bankruptcy proceeding , allowing a person to keep this money while still obtaining the fresh start Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers.
For those who are continuing to retain funds from a lump sum back disability payment, however, it will need to be shown that proceeds in a bank account came directly from that payment. This can be tricky, particularly if other money is later intermingled within the same account. A Mt. Vernon Illinois Bankruptcy Law Firm can guide you on how to properly protect lump sum benefits before you receive them.
Freedom from Debt with a Mt. Vernon Illinois Bankruptcy Law Firm
Exempting Social Security and disability payments is a public policy decision to help the most vulnerable people in society. If these payments were used to pay off creditors in Chapter 7, it would leave the elderly and disabled without the most basic means of support.
Although Social Security and disability benefits are exempt, this does not grant someone permission to abuse the bankruptcy system. A Mt. Vernon Illinois Bankruptcy Law Firm can examine your particular situation to make sure your filing is in good faith. If it is, Chapter 7 may be in your best interest.
At The Bankruptcy Clinic, we understand how difficult debt problems can be. Far from just a money issue, these problems can dominate a person’s thoughts. Harassing phone calls, threatening letters, and other collection activities can completely rob a person of the very enjoyment of life. If you suffer from debt problems, and you are on a fixed income, there are options available. To learn how a Mt. Vernon Illinois Bankruptcy Law Firm can help you, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today for a free consultation.
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