Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
Some people worry that when they file bankruptcy, everyone they know will find out about it. Most people don’t want their money problems made public, so they struggle in silence with their debt.
All bankruptcy filings are public record, but this does not necessarily mean that everyone will find out about yours. Most newspapers throughout Southern Illinois do not publish the names of bankruptcy filers. However, a small minority of them do. A bankruptcy attorney can fully explain this situation and help reassure you the decision to file bankruptcy is the correct one.
When you file for bankruptcy in the Southern District of Illinois, anyone with a PACER account will have access to the details of your case. PACER stands for Public Access to Court Electronic Records. It allows you to access public documents from the federal court system. You are charged a certain fee for each document depending on its size. Since the vast majority of individuals don’t have such an account, they won’t be able to see details of your case.
A public records search will also show details of your bankruptcy, but in general these searches cost money, which deters people from just casually searching for your case.
While it is difficult to access bankruptcy filing information, it is certainly not impossible. And since it is not possible to seal bankruptcy filings, people should prepare for the fact that someone may find out about their bankruptcy filing.
But this fact should not deter people from seeking protection from the bankruptcy court. While it may be uncomfortable to admit that debt has become overwhelming, it is the best option for many people struggling with credit card bills, medical costs, and other bills causing them stress.
The temporary embarrassment of someone finding out about a bankruptcy is far outweighed by the relief that comes from finally dealing with debt once and for all. For most of our clients, it is far more responsible to make efforts to address the debt through a bankruptcy process rather than running from it in the hopes it will simply disappear.
At The Bankruptcy Clinic, we can explain the public records that come with filing bankruptcy and explain how a person might access them. This can reassure you and give you the peace of mind in knowing that bankruptcy is the right option. To discuss your debt problems with an attorney in Carbondale, Mt. Vernon, or Marion, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today for a free consultation.
Mt. Vernon: