Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
While some people may automatically assume Chapter 7 is the best bankruptcy option, there are a number of consumers who are better served through Chapter 13. This form of bankruptcy lets a person keep their assets while making payments over a period of time (typically 3-5 years) to the bankruptcy trustee. This trustee then uses that money to pay back creditors. When the bankruptcy period is complete, unsecured debt is discharged and the creditor can no longer collect on that loan. A Carbondale IL Debt Management Attorney can discuss your particular situation and determine which bankruptcy option is the best for you.
Carbondale IL Debt Management Attorney on Filing Bankruptcy as a Homeowner
Many people who choose to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy are homeowners who face foreclosure. In this case, some of the benefits to filing include:
This last option is potentially the best reason for a homeowner to file Chapter 13 instead of Chapter 7. If a person makes enough income to pay any passed-due mortgage payments while staying current during the bankruptcy proceedings, they can stay in their home when their bankruptcy is complete. A Carbondale IL Debt Management Attorney can discuss your income and find whether you have the means to make these back payments as well as your current mortgage payments.
If you are a homeowner or someone with other assets you don't want liquidated, there is still relief for your debt. A Carbondale IL Debt Management Attorney can discuss your options and find a solution that can let you live stress and debt free. To learn how bankruptcy can give you a fresh start, contact a The Bankruptcy Clinic today. Home in foreclosure?
Contact a Carbondale IL Debt Management Attorney Call The Bankruptcy Clinic today at (618) 549-1100
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