Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
As anyone who has had credit card debt can tell you, one of the most complicated (and expensive) issues involves compound interest. This is essentially “interest on top of interest,” and it can prove extremely costly for someone paying only the minimum payment on credit cards each month. Since most credit cards compound interest monthly, virtually all of the minimum payment is applied to compounding interest rather than the underlying principle. A Mt. Vernon Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney can explain exactly how this interest is impacting your monthly payments and how you can begin to pay down principle.
Examples of Compounding Interest from a Mt. Vernon Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney
Let’s assume a person has a major car problem and has to put $1,000.00 on a credit card with an 18% interest rate. It might be safe to assume this would cost $180.00 annually in interest. However, the loan will actually cost $195.62 in yearly interest. While this might seem like a negligible amount, it can add up quickly, especially for someone with multiple credit cards or extremely high balances.
If a person were then to pay the minimum on this card (the interest plus 1% of the balance), the monthly payments would start at $25. In the first payment, $10 would be applied to the principal while $15 would be applied to the interest. The following month, the minimum payment would drop to $24.75, with the majority still being applied to pay interest. In total, it will take a person 113 months, or nearly ten years, to pay off a single credit card this way. That would total $923.12 in interest paid on top of the $1,000.00 underlying debt. To check for yourself, enter in the numbers into the calculator here.
Unfortunately, many people can only afford to make this minimum payment and find themselves trapped in debt. If a person begins missing payments, there will be late fees added which makes the cost of repayment even higher. A Mt. Vernon Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney can examine your debt situation to determine if you may benefit from bankruptcy. If so, our lawyer will be able to discharge this debt for you, allowing you to get a fresh start free from onerous debt payments.
At The Bankruptcy Clinic, we fully understand how difficult debt problems can be. We know it is almost impossible for many to pay more than the minimum payments, and we understand the costly waste involved with interest only payments. We can help find a solution for your debt issues. To speak with a Mt. Vernon Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney about your debt problem, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic right away for a free consultation.
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