Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
When one is considering bankruptcy, it may seem tempting to try to skirt the rules or game the system. This is never a good idea. If the bankruptcy court, the trustee, or any of your creditors discover you have abused the system or attempted to hide assets, you could face stiff punishment, including fines and even possible imprisonment.
As an example, Joe Francis, the man behind the Girls Gone Wild video series, has been assessed an ongoing fine of $5,000 per day until he returns two luxury cars removed from his nowbankrupt business. The bankruptcy judge in his case is now attempting to issue a warrant for his arrest. Before, during and after a bankruptcy filing, it always pays to be forthright and honest.
Practices to Avoid from a Carbondale Illinois Bankruptcy Lawyer
Some potential abuses of the bankruptcy system might include:
If a person knows a bankruptcy is imminent, it might seem tempting to max out credit cards or take out payday loans in anticipation of the filing. Unfortunately, your creditor may sue you in bankruptcy court for fraud. If the creditor is successful, the debt will not be discharged. Further, you may be forced to incur costly additional attorney’s fees to defend you in such an action.
The penalties can be far worse if you are not honest in reporting your assets or income, or you refuse to cooperate with court directives. This may be grounds for denying your discharge entirely on all of your debts, fines, and even possible imprisonment. Bankruptcy fraud is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison or a fine of $250,000.
A Carbondale Illinois Bankruptcy Lawyer at The Bankruptcy Clinic can help clear up questions you have about your bankruptcy. If you are considering doing something deceptive or dishonest, please talk to us first. However, if you have already incurred debt or transferred assets in anticipation of a bankruptcy filing, we can at least offer helpful and proactive steps to mitigate the damages is in a subsequent bankruptcy filing. This way, you won’t be denied the fresh start you deserve.
To learn more, contact The Bankruptcy Clinic today for a free consultation.
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