Get Debt Relief From an Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney!
Financial troubles are one of the most common reasons for divorce. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for couples to seek bankruptcy protection at the same time or immediately prior to seeking a divorce. Before finalizing your divorce, it may be a good idea to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to be fully informed on your options.
Whether you file for bankruptcy or divorce first will depend upon a variety of factors, such as your respective incomes going forward, the type of property you own or will be keeping, how the property is to be apportioned, and the type and amount of debt each of you owe.
In terms of bankruptcy, the two main chapters have very different timelines. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharges the debts relatively quickly, usually in just a few months. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy, however, involves developing a repayment plan that requires three to five years to complete. Most couples would not relish the thought of entering into a joint three to five year repayment plan that will continue long after the divorce is finalized.
If a couple jointly owns property they wish to protect, it might be beneficial to file for bankruptcy before the divorce. More jointly owned property might be protected by doubling the exemptions for each married couple.
One of the most time-consuming aspects of a divorce is dividing debts among each spouse. What’s more, assigning a joint debt to one spouse does not immunize the other spouse from liability. For example, if your ex-spouse was assigned payment of a joint credit card balance in your divorce and he or she doesn’t pay the bill, or files for bankruptcy, the credit card company will come looking for you for repayment.
If, however, you and your spouse file for bankruptcy before you divorce, you may be able to wipe out these debts so neither one of you will have to worry about them. For this reason, and many others, bankruptcy often reduces the time, cost, and expense for both parties in a prospective divorce.
If you are considering divorce and have financial troubles, The Bankruptcy Clinic can help. For a free consultation to discuss these matters, contact us today.
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